The harbour twinkles just that little bit brighter, the sun lingers just that little bit longer as Sydney readies to embrace the vibrant renewal that is spring.

As we exit the cold of winter, Sydney comes to life with outdoor dining, evening drinks, and long Sunday lunches all par for the springtime course.

But in case you needed any further prompting to cast off the woes of winter and hit the town this spring, here are five reasons spring dining should be on your menu.

Fresh produce

Spring brings a bevy of fresh produce availability and a retake on many a menu as chefs capitalise on a whole season of new produce at hand.

Light, fresh and healthy are the order of any spring day, with meals best enjoyed amongst friends in the great outdoors.

Think crisp white wines accompanied by mezze as the ever- lengthening spring afternoons beckon Sydneysiders into the great outdoors.

Fresh air

Spring sees Sydney reinvigorated. There’s a fresh scent in the air, extra colour in the gardens and the whole city takes on a more vibrant hue. And as the days stretch on just that little bit longer, it’s prime time for the population to cast off the grey of winter and embrace all the activities on offer.

Spring finds the harbour more appealing, the evening lights just a little bit brighter and the warmer evenings provide the perfect opportunity for some languid meals al fresco style.

Fresh outings

This is perhaps the best time of year to enjoy this outdoor-loving city, with the opportunity to revisit old haunts and discover new destinations. Spring is the season of festivals, weddings and events, best enjoyed before the heat of summer takes a hold.

Gone are the winds of August, gone are the grey days of July, instead Sydney serves up week after almost endless week of temperate sunshine with only the hint of a nip in the air.

It’s the ideal time of year for long Sunday lunches, Saturday morning brunches, and workplace meetings over fine fare.

Sumptuous seafood

As the days get brighter, the food of choice becomes lighter with seafood among the ideal menu items to be relished in the renewed warmth.

This is one of the best times of year for seafood and sees a bounty of delights like crab, bugs, abalone, pawns, oysters, squid and a plethora of fish all in season and ready supply.

Long sunsets

As the days get steadily longer, spring represents the perfect opportunity to settle in and watch the sunset over the harbour, with some nibbles and a glass of champagne in hand. Outdoor evening dining is just that much more appealing in the warmth of a springtime evening, with the promise of summer ahead and Christmas yet to come.

About Georges

Located on the King Street Wharf amidst the beauty and excitement of Darling Harbour, George’s Mediterranean Bar and Grill is renowned as one of Sydney’s premier eateries. Come share the family hospitality and harbourside as we embrace the spring beauty of Sydney in simply stunning surrounds.